Wednesday, March 3, 2010

There's a Little Baby in There???

So my good friend Kristy had a baby yesterday (yay!) and Jason and I went up to visit them. Besides thinking that he's incredibly cute, I had an interesting thought while holding the new guy.

I've got one of these inside me! How? How do babies fit in there?

It really is a miracle.

I dunno, perhaps every mother thinks about these things. But it takes holding a newborn baby right next to your blossoming belly to really put things in perspective.

1 comment:

Amber Waves Of Grain said...

So true! I also found that w/ both of my kids that they are the same baby inside and outside the womb. For example, Keegan in the womb not only moved constantly- but he was nonstop kicking and punching. He's like that outside the womb too. Kennedy in the womb was pretty active, but more of just an acrobat-- not so hyper about it. She's that way out of the womb too...