Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Farewell to the Fairlane

This post is a bit late in coming, but in March we sold the Fairlane.

Jason bought the 1970 Ford Fairlane for $300 several years ago, when he bought an antique truck. He intended to sell it to pay for the shipping of the antique truck, but one thing led to another, and he ended up driving it daily for over 3 years and putting on 18,000 miles .

But he took it to the shop and they informed him that the transmission could fall out at any time because the frame was rusted through, and we decided it was time to part ways with the car. It sold on Ebay for $205.

Goodbye Car!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Purchased for $300 then sold a while later for $208, what a great blessing that it lasted for as long as you needed it :)

Jenn Chester